Nathani Clinic


HPV Vaccine

What is HPV?

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a widely prevalent virus that infects millions of people worldwide. It spreads through intimate skin contact, most commonly during sex or by kissing. It usually causes mild symptoms, so the person transmitting the disease may not even know s/he has it. This is what makes it so difficult to diagnose, prevent the spread of, and treat the disease. There are more than a hundred varieties of papillomavirus. Some cause cancers, and some don’t, causing warts, papillomas, and the like.
Viruses are peculiar things. There is a debate about whether they are even living. They can lie dormant for years, but once they come close to their target cells, they enter it and multiply rapidly, overwhelming the cell and causing it to die or be diseased. They inject and alter their genetic material into the cell’s genetic material. Sometimes, this alteration can lead to a malignant change in that cell in the host cell, and the seeds of a cancer are thus shown.

Disease Manifestations of HPV Infection

  • Warts: Irregular growths of the skin around the genitals, the anus, the mouth, or even other areas of the body.
  • Respiratory Papillomatosis: A rare disease where multiple growths called papillomas occur throughout our respiratory tract (a very difficult-to-treat condition).
  • Premalignant lesions of the cervix: These show up when you go for a regular PAP smear to your gynecologist (you do, don’t you?)
  • Cancers: cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, vulval cancer, penis, anus, and pharynx.

Enter HPV vaccine

The HPV vaccine is an extremely effective vaccine and has decreased the incidence of cervical cancer in women who have received the vaccine by as much as 88%!! It is now recommended by major health bodies like the CDC, the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and other major associations as a routine, standard vaccination.
At Nathani Clinic, we routinely advise our patients to go in for the HPV vaccine. Our clinic serves as a single-stop vaccination clinic for children, adults, and the elderly.


Girls & Boys < 15 years of age

1st dose: at 11-12 years of age or before 15 years.
2nd dose: six months later.

Young Adults between 15 and 26 years of age

1st dose: at the earliest.
2nd dose: one to two months later.
3rd dose: four to six months later.

Adult Women between 27 and 45 years of age

There is not much role, though recommended, since one has already been exposed to HPV vaccination, and this vaccination works best in an individual who has not been exposed to the virus. The vaccine is definitely recommended for the unvaccinated in this age group if:

  • There is the possibility of exposure to other HPV infections.
  • An immunocompromised individual – whether due to immunosuppressive drugs or diseases.

Why both boys & girls?

This is a valid question since cervical cancer, which is the most common cancer due to HPV, occurs only in females. During sexual intercourse, either of the partners can infect each other. If one partner is infected, s/he can infect many others. Moreover, boys can get genital warts and even penile cancer.

Side-Effects Of The Vaccine

The HPV vaccine is remarkably safe. Most individuals don’t report any side effects. The most common complaint is a mild soreness at the site of injection. Other minor side effects reported are (as with any other vaccine):

  • Pain, redness, or swelling in the arm where the injection was given.
  • A mild fever.
  • Dizziness or fainting (this is much more common in adolescents – not specific to this vaccine. Adolescents taking shots report a higher incidence of dizziness and fainting. At Nathani Clinic, we instruct all adolescents to lie down for 10-15 minutes after the shot).
  • Headache and feeling tired.
  • Muscle or joint pain.
  • Nausea.

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