Any viral disease that produces fever, fatigue, and body aches, e.g., influenza, COVID, swine flu, bird flu, and now, we have tomato fever.

Minor Bruises – First Aid

Bruises are areas of skin discoloration and usually follow some injury to the skin or body tissue. Due to the injury, the vessels underlying the skin rupture,

Minor Cuts – First Aid

Minor cuts are almost inevitable in childhood. Children are a bundle of energy! They continuously run around here and there and just can’t sit still. It is a joy to watch them.

Should I buy my infant a walker?

My friend just bought an infant walker for her baby. She looks so cute! Amazingly, she zips around the house on her own two feet. The baby looks happy, and the walker has many bells and whistles.

How safe are mosquito repellents for my child?

Mosquito repellents are much sought after, especially in the monsoon and the winter seasons. Mosquitos are vectors that are responsible for a host of diseases like malaria, dengue, and chikungunya that can be serious and even lead to